Blue Line Nymph (aka LEON (Benefit Fly)
Lively Legz Fly Fishing is proud to announce our second benefit fly, the Blue Line Nymph (aka LEON). We will proudly use the money generated by the sales of the Blue Line Nymph Benefit Fly to help a law enforcement officer, or their family during a time of tragedy. Though we know we cannot help every family affected, we do know we can help some and if we all stand together and help in our way we can make a difference.
The Blue Line Nymph is a fly all trout fishermen and women will want in their fly box. This nymph will not just replicate a black stonefly nymph or mayfly nymph, but it also offers the attractor factor that Steelhead just cannot resist as this all black nymph is decked out with black goose biots, a black wire body, a black hares ear thorax, our popular black Lively Legz and a black bead head, but most importantly the Blue Line Nymph has a “thin blue wire line” of ribbing running through it’s body section and this is what makes it so special.
These Benefit Flies along with the opportunity to work with Project Healing Waters are very important to us and on behalf of the Lively Legz Crew I would like to thank everyone for all the support over our first few years of business as your support allows us to do great things.
~The Lively Legz Crew and Family~